So muss es sich wohl anfuehlen, wenn man von der Queen geadelt wird. Bei der Preisverleihung in Quebec wurde uns und 4 anderen Schiffen, die die gesamte Regatta mitfahren, eine Kopie des Briefes der Queen ueberreicht, der auf verschiedenen Schiffen von London nach Quebec gebracht worden ist. Wenn ihr wissen wollt, was drin steht, muesst ihr euch noch etwas gedulden bis der Peter wieder in Kiel ist.
Presentation of HRH letter at the Quebec Prize giving – 20 July 17
We were delighted to receive a letter from Her Majesty The Queen before the ships departed Royal Greenwich on their journey to Quebec.
The letter has changed ship in each race port, starting on Wylde Swan, then transferring to Jolie Brise in Sines, then HMCS Oriole in Bermuda where it was handed over via the Queens representative there, the Governor of Bermuda, before being transferred to Rona II in Boston.
Since this event began in April in London, many ships have joined the fleet or departed in various ports along the way, however five vessels have been with us from the very start, and four of those will be part of the fleet that departs here to Halifax and then races back across the Atlantic to France, the fifth (Wylde Swan) staying in Canadian waters for another month for the Outport programme.
The five vessels presented with a copy of the letter were: Jolie Brise, Blue Clipper, Wylde Swan,Peter von Danzig and Rona II